- Homeopathy helps in building positive behaviour in kids. It builds self esteem in kids and thus restores happy child and parent relationship. It improves overall development of your kid and improves his life in all spheres.
- Child's distress mind is stabilized with Homeopathic medicines which are natural, safe & side effect free. Homeopathy balances biological, psychological and emotional disturbances in child and improves his behaviour.
- Moreover, it also helps in preventing the relapse of the condition. Homeopathic treatment for OPPOSITIONAL DEFIANT DISORDER provides complete holistic wellbeing to the patient.
- Homeopathic treatment for OPPOSITIONAL DEFIANT DISORDER is natural, safe and without any side-effects, and one can enjoy immense relief from these frustrating symptoms. It is a patient-oriented science and medicines are prescribed on the characteristics of the individual rather than just the symptoms of the disease.
Few of our amazing remedies in Homeopathic treatment of OPPOSITIONAL DEFIANT DISORDER include:
- CINA: Effective remedy for irritable & restless kids who are big, fat, and are always hungry. Child is very cross, petulant and dissatisfied with everything. Child hates if, he is touched, carried or rocked. Desire many things but immediately rejects when offered. Distressed and uneasy always. Bores his face in mother's lap always and cries.
- NATRUM MURIATICUM: Excellent remedy for abusive, weepy, brooding and irritable kids who crave salt. Suits thin, poorly nourished kids who are very thirsty. There is tendency to take cold. Symptoms increase typically from 9-11 am and under Sunlight. Do not like sympathy. Hate person who offends him. Hasty behaviour, things drops down from hands.
- ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM: Well indicated medicine for kids suffering from excessive anger and who are very much abusive. Irritable child who refrains from speaking. Child is mentally crude & has great appetite. Suits kids who get angry without cause and have tendency to be fat. Children cry especially when touched or washed. Angry at every little attention.
- Have a look at some of the homeopathic remedies used for the treatment of OPPOSITIONAL DEFIANT DISORDER. The treatment given by our Experts is highly specific for the individual we treat and not limited to 2 or 3 drugs. Homeopathic treatment for OPPOSITIONAL DEFIANT DISORDER offers a minimum of 50 remedies effective against OPPOSITIONAL DEFIANT DISORDER.
3 Acon, 3 Anac, 3 Ant-t, 1 Arn, 1 Bac, 1 Bell, 3 Bry, 3 Caps, 1 Carb-v, 1 Carc, 4 CHAM, 1 Cic, 1 Cina, 1 Cupr, 1 Dros, 1 Hep, 2 Hoch, 1 Ip, 1 Kali-c, 1 Kali-s, 1 Kreos, 2 Lyc, 1 Med, 1 Op, 3 Phos, 1 Plac, 2 Plut, 1 Sanic, 1 Scorp, 1 Sil, 1 Staph, 1 Stram, 1 Syph, 3 Ter, 3 Tub, 1 Tub-k
2 Calc-p, 1 Cham, 2 Chin, 2 Cina, 1 Med, 1 Thuj, 2 Tub, 1 Verat
1 Acon, 1 Aml-n, 1 Anac, 3 Ant-t, 1 Astac, 3 Aur, 1 Aur-m-n, 3 Bar-c, 1 Bar-s, 1 Bell, 1 Bor, 1 Bufo, 1 Calc, 1 Calcul-b, 1 Canth, 1 Carc, 1 Carn-g, 1 Caust, 1 Cere-s, 1 Cham, 1 Chel, 1 Cic, 1 Cina, 1 Cocc, 1 Coli, 1 Cupr, 1 Cupr-acet, 1 Dpt, 1 Gado-n, 1 Germ, 1 Glon, 1 Heli, 1 Hep, 1 Holm-m, 1 Hyos, 1 Lac-drom, 1 Lach, 1 Lant-c, 3 Lon-p, 1 Luna, 1 Lyss, 2 Mag-c, 1 Mag-m, 1 Melal-l, 1 Mez, 1 Morg, 1 Mosch, 1 Nat-c, 3 Nat-m, 3 Nux-v, 1 Olnd, 3 Petr, 3 Phos, 1 Plat, 1 Plut, 2 Prot, 1 Puls, 1 Sac-alb, 1 Scorp, 3 Seneg, 1 Sep, 1 Sil, 3 Stann, 3 Staph, 1 Stram, 3 Stront-c, 1 Sulph, 1 Syc-co, 1 Syph, 1 Tarent, 1 Tell, 3 Ter, 1 Terb-o, 3 Thuj, 1 Thul, 3 Thyr , 3 Tub
It is, however, worthwhile to remember that self-medication is not recommended. Consult one of our Experts Now for freedom from OPPOSITIONAL DEFIANT DISORDER for yourself or your loved one!